News and Events
Insights Into the NEJM Editorial Decision MakingSpeaker:Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD, FRCP Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Me...
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerGuadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD, FRCP
Epigenetics: remember the past & prepare for the futureAbstract:The epigenetic system helps to fulfil two basic challenges of multicellular organism...
Upcoming4:00-5:00 p.m. on October 18, 2022 (Tuesday)
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerBing Zhu
Programming cell surface signaling via phase separation-cont...Abstract:Cell surface signaling landscapes are formidably complex. Robust tools capable of ma...
UpcomingTuesday 11 October 2022, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerPilong Li
Next-generation biological imaging——Seminar Series Strategie...Abstract: Cells use complex intermolecular interactions and sophisticated feedback loops to t...
Upcoming7 October 2022 13:00-15:00
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerBei Liu
What is life: Dark matter of the noncoding genomeAbstract:Our genome can be interpreted in hundreds of different ways to build diverse cell ty...
UpcomingTuesday 27 September 2022, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerXiaohua Shen
Regulation of macrophage-mediated inflammatory responsesAbstract:Macrophages are tissue-resident immune cells that perform diverse functions, ranging...
UpcomingTuesday, 20 September 2022, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerXiaoyu Hu
Smart nanomedicines acting on tumor vessel microenviromentAbstract:Like normal organs, tumors need to establish a blood supply to satisfy their demand ...
UpcomingFriday 3 June 2022 13:30 - 15:00
PlaceTencent Conference: 237-306-389
SpeakerSuping Li
Pushing the limit of MRI: from macro- to meso- and micro-str...Abstract:Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive neuroimaging tool that provides ri...
UpcomingThursday 21 April 2022, 19:00
PlaceTencent Conference ID: 208-824-641 Password: 0421
SpeakerDan Wu
Chemical proteomic profiling of functional modifications by ...Abstract:Genome sequencing projects have revolutionized our view of the complexity of prok...
UpcomingTuesday 19 April 2022, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
Speaker Chu Wang
Non-Noble Metal Molecular Phototheranostics
UpcomingTuesday 12 April 2022, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerJunlong Zhang
Next-generation biological imaging Seminar Series ——Single-M...Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the unexpected observations and new questions that ar...
Upcoming13:30-15:00 March 18 2022
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerHuan Wang
Next-generation biological imaging Seminar Series——Single-Mo...Abstract: In single-molecule localization microscopy, the point spread functions (PSFs) of si...
Upcoming13:30-15:00, March 4, 2022
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerJin Lu
Next-generation biological imaging Seminar Series——Centrosom...Abstract: The centrosome is a highly conserved organelle that serves as the main microtubule-...
Upcoming14:00-15:30, February 25, 2022
PlaceRoom B117, Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerJingyan Fu
Remote Control of CAR-T Cells via Focused UltrasoundAbstract:Focused ultrasound (FUS) can deliver energy noninvasively into tissues deep inside t...
Upcoming9:00,February 16, 2022
PlaceTencent Meeting ID : 517 827 352
Password : 0216SpeakerYiqian Wu
How to write or find a reproducible lab protocolHow easy is it to repeat someone else’s experiments? In a 2016 Nature survey (Baker, 2016), m...
Upcoming16:00-17:00,November 23rd, 2021 (Tuesday)
PlaceRoomB117,Integrated Science Research Center No.2
SpeakerFanglian He