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SAFE BUT NOT TOO SAFE – Human Challenge in Tuberculosis


Rubin教授拥有哈佛大学学士学位以及塔夫茨大学的博士学位。他曾在麻省总医院担任住院医生和临床研究员,并在哈佛医学院担任博士后研究员。在全职加入NEJM之前,Rubin教授曾担任免疫学和传染病系主任及该系的Irene Heinz Given荣誉教授,目前仍在哈佛陈曾熙公共卫生学院进行相关生物研究。Rubin教授是哈佛医学院的医学教授,同时也是哈佛陈曾熙公共卫生学院教授。他还是美国微生物科学院院士,以及美国国家医学院院士。

Eric Rubin has been Editor-in-Chief at the New England Journal of Medicine since 2019 after serving as an Associate Editor for several years. He is an infectious disease physician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a tuberculosis researcher at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.Eric holds an AB degree from Harvard College and MD and PhD degrees from Tufts University. He was a resident and clinical fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital and a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School. Eric was the Irene Heinz Given Professor and Chair of the Department of Immunology and Infectious Disease before joining NEJM full time but continues to do lab work at the Harvard Chan School. He is Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and Adjunct Professor at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and a member of the National Academy of Medicine.