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Mechanisms Underlying Erythroid Stage-Specific Three-Dimensional Chromatin Reorganization and Rewiring

摘要:Blood is one of the tissues with a high capacity of regeneration; replenishment of red blood cells (RBCs) is particularly active. The development of mammalian RBCs involves a self-renewal progenitor stage, followed by progressive nuclear condensation and subsequent enucleation in the terminal stages of differentiation. Our study utilizes erythroid development as a paradigm to address the multidimensional chromatin reorganization during erythropoiesis, as well as the molecular mechanisms underlying chromatin compaction and establishment of stage-specific transcription programs. In this talk, I would like to discuss our recent progress in dissecting the combinatorial regulation of erythropoiesis and how these findings might provide pathological insights and potential treatment strategies for hematological diseases.

报告人简介:李湘盈研究员于台湾成功大学、美国波士顿大学、美国威斯康星⼤学⻨迪逊分校分别取得本科、硕士、分⼦⽣物化学博⼠,然后师从美国科学院院Harvey Lodish 教授,在怀特⿊德⽣物医学研究所/⿇省理⼯学院从事博⼠后研究⼯作。2017年获海外⾼层次⼈才项目并回国担任北京⼤学⽣命科学学院、北⼤清华⽣命科学联合中⼼研究员,北京⼤学⼈民医院⾎液科合聘研究员,博⼠研究⽣导师。历年来获得奖项包括美国⼼脏学会博⼠研究⽣奖学⾦,美国Charles A. King 基⾦会博⼠后奖学⾦,2017 年北京⼤学博雅⻘年学者、亿⽅学者奖,2018 年拜⽿研究员奖,2019 年绿叶⽣物医药杰出⻘年学者奖,并担任中国病理⽣理学会实验⾎液学专业委员会委员、美国⾎液学会红细胞⽣物学科学委员会委员。研究⼯作以红细胞发育为模型,探索⾎液干细胞及祖细胞⾃我更新及分化的分⼦机制与⾎液疾病机理。李湘盈研究员过去的研究中,通过运⽤⼈类基因组学、化学药物筛选以及单细胞组学技术,发现多种影响红系祖细胞BFU-E 与其他⾎液干细胞⾃我复制的新机制, 研究成果发表于Nature, Molecular Cell, PNAS, Blood 等期刊,申请2 项国际专利并授权转化。