报告摘要: Molecular glues are small molecules that induce interactions between target proteins and regulatory proteins that would not normally interact, leading to desirable biologic or therapeutic effects. However, the rarity of serendipitous molecular glue discoveries has hindered their broader application in biological research and drug development. Over the past decade, we have identified three distinct molecular glues through phenotype-based screening and unraveled their mechanisms of action using genetic and biochemical methods. My talk will highlight our latest discovery of a molecular glue targeting multimeric protein complexes while sparing monomeric proteins. Since abnormal protein assemblies drive diseases such as autoimmunity, neurodegeneration, and cancer, our findings demonstrate the potential of multimer-selective degraders as a novel therapeutic strategy to address the root causes of these diseases.
报告人简介:韩霆高级研究员工作经历:2025- 北京生命科学研究所高级研究员;2017-2024 北京生命科学研究所研究员;2013-2017美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心博士后。 研究概述:我们实验室的研究聚焦于化学生物学和癌症生物学两个互补领域,交汇点在于开发创新的癌症治疗策略。我们的目标是应对生物医学中的两大核心挑战:(1)缺乏通用方法来有效调控大多数致病蛋白;(2)可支持未来治疗创新的新靶点逐渐枯竭。在过去的几年中,我们通过“化学驱动”和“生物驱动”两种方法,在这些领域取得了进展。“化学驱动”的方法以基于表型的高通量筛选为起点,寻找具有选择性抗癌活性的小分子,并进一步解析其作用机制。“生物驱动”的方法通过体内CRISPR筛选,揭示肿瘤内在的免疫逃逸机制。这些研究不仅深化了我们对癌症生物学的认识,还提供了开发抗癌疗法的新靶点和化学起点。