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陈匡时多年来致力于活细胞RNA/DNA 原位可视化技术(Live-FISH)的开发和病毒组装生物学的研究。在2013年加入北京大学以来已建立了可实时监测单一RNA/DNA动态行为的单分子Live-FISH 平台,并解析了HIV-1 病毒RNA 和宿主细胞mRNA在病毒颗粒和类病毒颗粒(virus-like particles, VLP)组装中的作用。相关研究成果已在Science Advances、PNAS、Nucleic Acids Research、ACS Nano等期刊发表。未来计划发展更灵敏的单分子Live-FISH 平台以及基于VLP的mRNA递送平台与疫苗平台。


2004-2008, 博士:宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania)   专业:生物医学工程 (导师: Andrew Tsourkas) 

2000-2002, 硕士:加州大学-圣地亚哥校区  (UC San Diego)   专业:生物医学工程

1996-2000, 学士:加州大学-圣地亚哥校区 (UC San Diego)   专业:生物医学工程 


2021.1-现在  北京大学未来技术学院生物医学工程系研究员、长聘副教授

2019.8-2020.12  北京大学工学院生物医学工程系研究员、长聘副教授

2013.4-2019.7 北京大学工学院生物医学工程系特聘研究员、助理教授

2010.3-2013.3  美国国家卫生研究院 (NIH),Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 实验室,博士后

2010.3-2012.3   美国国家标准与技术研究院 (NIST),Anne L. Plant 实验室,博士后

2009.1-2010.1    美国宾夕法尼亚大学,Andrew Tsourkas 实验室,博士后


1. Ying Y., Yang Y., Chen A.K.* Roles of RNA scaffolding in nanoscale Gag multimerization and selective protein sorting at HIV membranes. Sci. Adv. 10(8):eadk8297. (2024).

2. Qu, N., Ying, Y., Qin, J., and Chen, A.K.* Rational design of self-assembled RNA nanostructures for HIV-1 virus assembly blockade. Nucleic Acids Res. 50(8): e44. (2022).

3. Mao, S., Ying, Y., Zhao, M., Yang, Y., and Chen, A.K.* A Background Assessable and Correctable Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation System for Nanoscopic Single-Molecule Imaging of Intracellular Protein-Protein Interactions. ACS Nano. 15, 14338-14346. (2021).

4. Mao, S., Ying, Y., Wu, R., and Chen, A.K.* Recent advances in the molecular beacon technology for live-cell single-molecule imaging. iScience., 23, 101801. (2020)

5. Mao, S., Ying, Y., Wu, X., Krueger, C.J. and Chen, A.K.* CRISPR/dual-FRET molecular beacon for sensitive live-cell imaging of non-repetitive genomic loci. Nucleic Acids Res., 47, e131. (2019)

6. Ding, T., Chen, A.K.* and Lu, Z.* The applications of nanopores in studies of proteins. Sci Bull., 64, 1456-1467. (2019)

7. Wu, X., Mao, S., Ying, Y., Krueger, C.J. and Chen, A.K.* Progress and challenges for live-cell imaging of genomic loci using CRISPR-based platforms. Genom Proteom Bioinf. 17, 119-128. (2019)

8. Wu, X., Mao, S., Yang, Y., Rushdi, M.N., Krueger, C.J. and Chen, A.K.* A CRISPR/molecular beacon hybrid system for live-cell genomic imaging. Nucleic Acids Res., 46, e80. (2018) SCI.

9. Qu, N., Ma, Z., Zhang, M., Rushdi, M.N., Krueger, C.J. and Chen, A.K.* Inhibition of retroviral Gag assembly by non-silencing miRNAs promotes autophagic viral degradation. Protein & Cell, 9, 640-651. (2018).

10. Zhao, D., Yang, Y., Qu, N., Chen, M., Ma, Z. Krueger, C.J., Behlke, M.A. and Chen, A.K.* Single-molecule detection and tracking of RNA transcripts in living cells using phosphorothioate-optimized 2’-O-Methyl RNA molecular beacons. Biomaterials., 100: 172-183. (2016).

11. Chen, A.K., Sengupta, P., Waki, K., Van Engelenburg, S., Ochiya, T., Ablan, S.D., Freed, E.O. and Lippincott-Schwartz, J.* MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A., 111(26):E2676-83. (2014).