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 研究员 博士生导师



主要从事新型RNA脂质纳米药物的研发,以脂质纳米颗粒(LNPs)为技术支撑,通过精准递送RNA(mRNA, siRNA, Cas-sgRNA等)到病灶部位,以实现RNA在遗传性疾病、代谢类疾病、癌症等多种疾病中的治疗。以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials等杂志上相继发表学术论文约40篇,被引1800余次,申请或已授权国际/国内专利共8项。相关学术成果在业内获高度认可,被Nature Nanotechnology和Nature Materials杂志做了专题报道和评论,且多项PCT专利已许可美国Recode Therapeutics生物公司进行临床转化,并助力该公司完成A轮8000万美元的融资用于临床推进。此外,长期担任Nature Communication, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Science等20多个知名杂志的特邀/仲裁审稿人。


2011 - 2016 北京大学 博士 导师:梁子才

2007 - 2011 南昌大学 学士


2017 – 2021 美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心博士后

代表性论文 (1共同第一作者,*共同通讯作者)

1. Liu S1, Cheng Q1, Wei T, Yu X, Johnson LT, Farbiak L, Siegwart DJ. Membrane destabilizing ionizable phospholipids for organ selective mRNA delivery and CRISPR/Cas gene editing. Nature Materials. 2021 20(5):701-710. (Highlighted in Nature Materials. Overcoming delivery barriers with LNPs. Nature Materials. 2021;20(5):575-577.)

2. Cheng Q1, Wei T1, Farbiak L, Johnson LT, Dilliard SA, Siegwart DJ. Selective ORgan Targeting (SORT) nanoparticles for tissue specific mRNA delivery and CRISPR/Cas gene editing. Nature Nanotechnology. 2020;15(4):313-320. (Hot & highly cited paper)

a) Highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology for organ-tunable gene editing. Nature Nanotechnology. 2020;15(4):253-255;

b) ReCode Therapeutics raised $80 million in oversubscribed series a financing under the help of SORT technology.

3. Wei T1, Cheng Q1, Min YL, Olson EN, Siegwart DJ. Systemic nanoparticle delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins for effective tissue-specific genome editing. Nature Communications. 2020;11(1):3232. (Highly cited paper)

4. Cheng Q, Wei T, Jia Y, Farbiak L, Zhou K, Zhang S, Wei Y, Zhu H, Siegwart DJ. Dendrimer-Based Lipid Nanoparticles Deliver Therapeutic FAH mRNA to Normalize Liver Function and Extend Survival in a Mouse Model of Hepatorenal Tyrosinemia Type I. Advanced Materials. 2018:30(52):e1805308.

5. Du L, Zhou J, Meng L, Wang X, Wang C, Huang Y, Zheng S, Deng L, Cao H, Liang Z, Dong A*, Cheng Q*. The pH-Triggered Triblock Nanocarrier Enabled Highly Efficient siRNA Delivery for Cancer Therapy. Theranostics. 2017;7(14):3432-3445.

6. Zhou J, Song X, Han S, Wei T, Wang X, Cao H, Liang X-J, Liang Z, Cheng Q*, Deng L*, Dong A*. Balancing Biocompatibility, Internalization and Pharmacokinetics of Polycations/siRNA by Structuring the Weak Negative Charged Ternary Complexes with Hyaluronic Acid. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2017;13(11): 1533–1544.

7. Cheng Q1*, Du L1, Meng L, Han S, Wei T, Wang X, Wu Y, Zhou J, Zheng S, Huang Y, Liang X-J, Cao H, Dong A, Liang Z. The promising nanocarrier for doxorubicin and siRNA co-delivery by PDMAEMA based amphiphilic nanomicelles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016;8(7):4347-56.

8. Han S1, Cheng Q1, Wu Y, Zhou J, Long X, Wei T, Huang Y, Zheng S, Zhang J, Deng L, Wang X, Liang X-J, Cao H, Liang Z, Dong A. Effects of hydrophobic core components in amphiphilic PDMAEMA nanoparticles on siRNA delivery. Biomaterials. 2015;48:45-55.

9. Li Y1, Cheng Q1, Jiang Q, Huang Y, Liu H, Zhao Y, Cao W, Ma G, Dai F, Liang X-J, Liang Z, Zhang X. Enhanced endosomal/lysosomal escape by distearoyl phosphoethanolamine-polycarboxybetaine lipid for systemic delivery of siRNA. Journal of Controlled Release. 2014;176:104-14.

10. Cheng Q, Huang Y, Zheng H, Wei T, Zheng S, Huo S, Wang X, Du Q, Zhang X, Zhang HY, Liang X-J, Wang C, Tang R, Liang Z. The effect of guanidinylation of PEGylated poly (2-aminoethyl methacrylate) on the systemic delivery of siRNA. Biomaterials. 2013;34(12):3120-31.

11. Zhang W1, Cheng Q1, Guo S, Lin D, Huang P, Liu J, Wei T, Deng L, Liang Z, Liang X-J, Dong A. Gene transfection efficacy and biocompatibility of polycation/DNA complexes coated with enzyme degradable PEGylated hyaluronic acid. Biomaterials. 2013;34(27):6495-503.

12. Lin D1, Cheng Q1, Jiang Q, Huang Y, Yang Z, Han S, Zhao Y, Guo S, Liang Z, Dong A. Intracellular cleavable poly (2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for efficient siRNA delivery in vitro and in vivo. Nanoscale. 2013;5(10):4291-301.