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研究领域主要为干细胞和RNA生物学。利用细胞生物学分子生物学遗传学生物化学和生物信息学等手段,结合二代测序高通量筛选基因编辑等新技术进行研究,研究内容涵盖干细胞相关生物学过程机制研究,疾病模型和药物靶标研究,以及与基础或应用研究相关的共性新技术开发。主要成果包括建立了miRNA 全敲除小鼠胚胎干细胞系,率先揭示了miRNA 通路对于胚胎干细胞增殖与分化的重要作用;发现了调控胚胎干细胞增殖、细胞周期、糖酵解代谢和自我更新等功能的miR-290和miR-302家族并解析了其分子机制;发明了miRNA激活CRISPR-Cas9基因编辑体系开启的技术平台,以及新型非编码RNA启动子活性报告基因技术;鉴定了调控FGF/ERK通路活性的长非编码RNA,解析了其促进胚胎干细胞自我更新的功能和分子机制;发现了调控早期胚胎发育合子基因组激活 (ZGA) 和体外全能干细胞转化的新分子通路PIAS4-SUMO2-DPPA2/4;发展了新型线粒体碱基编辑器和新型类器官培养平台。在学术杂志Nature Genetics、Nature Cell Biology、Nature Communications、EMBO JournalCell ResearchPLoS Biology等以第一或通讯作者发表学术论文40余篇。总引用5000余次。现任Cell Proliferation编委,中国细胞生物学学会干细胞分会委员,中国生物化学及分子生物学学会RNA分会委员,RNA分会青年委员会主任委员。









1996-2000 北京大学生命科学学院生物技术系

2001-2006 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (美国) 博士 导师:Scott K. Silverman


2000.7 – 2001.6 北京大学生命科学学院技术员

2006.3 – 2010.12 美国University of California, San Francisco博士后  导师:Robert H. Blelloch

2011.1 – 2018.8 北京大学分子医学研究所研究员(助理教授)

2018.9 – 2021.1 北京大学分子医学研究所研究员(副教授)

2021.1 – 现在   北京大学未来技术学院研究员(教授)


1. Zhang, X.S., Xie, G., Ma, H., Ding, S., Wu, Y.X., Fei, Y., Cheng, Q., Huang, Y. and *Wang, Y. (2023) Highly reproducible and cost-effective one-pot organoid differentiation using a novel platform based on PF-127 triggered spheroid assembly. Biofabrication, 15, 045014.

2. #Mi, L., #Shi, M., Li, Y.X., Xie, G., Rao, X., Wu, D., Cheng, A., Niu, M., Xu, F., Yu, Y., Gao, N., Wei, W., Wang, X. and *Wang, Y. (2023) DddA homolog search and engineering expand sequence compatability of mitochondrial base editing. Nature Communications, 14, 874.

3. Wang, S.H., Hao, J., Zhang, C., Duan, F.F., Chiu, Y.T., Shi, M., Huang, X., Yang, J., *Cao, H. and *Wang, Y. (2022) Klf17 promotes human naive pluripotency through repressing MAPK3 and ZIC2. Science China Life Sciences, 65, 1985-1997.

4. *Guo, W., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Shi, M., Duan, F., Hao, J., Gu, K., Quan, L., Wu, Y., Liang Z. and *Wang, Y. (2021) Acidic pH transiently prevents the silencing of self-renewal and dampens microRNA function in embryonic stem cells. Science Bulletin, 66, 1319-1329.

5. Zhao, Y.T. and *Wang, Y. (2021) Monitoring the promoter activity of long noncoding RNAs and stem cell differentiation through knock-in of sgRNA flanked by tRNA in an intron. Cell Discovery, 53, e12914.

6. #Yan, Y.L, #Zhang, C., Hao, J., Wang, X.L., Ming, J., Mi, L., Na, J., Hu, X. and *Wang,Y. (2019) DPPA2/4 and SUMO E3 ligase PIAS4 opposingly regulate zygotic transcriptional program. PLOS Biology 17, e3000324.

7. #Wang, X.W., #Hu, L.F., Hao, J., Liao, L.Q., Chiu, Y.T., Shi, M. and *Wang,Y. (2019) A microRNA-inducible CRISPR-Cas9 platform serves as a microRNA sensor and cell-type-specific genome regulation tool. Nature Cell Biology 21, 522-530. (Highlighted by News and Views in Nature Cell Biology, 21, 416-417)

8. #Li, Y.P., #Duan, F.F., Zhao, Y.T., Gu, K.L., Liao, L.Q., Su, H.B., Hao, J., Zhang, K., Yang, N. and *Wang,Y. (2019) A TRIM71 binding long noncoding RNA Trincr1 represses FGF/ERK signaling in embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications 10, 1368.

9. Wang, X.W., Hao, J., Guo, W.T., Liao, L.Q., Huang, S., Guo, X., Bao, X., Esteban, M.A. and *Wang, Y. (2017) DGCR8-independent stable microRNA expression strategy reveals important functions of miR-290 and miR-183~182 families in mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Reports 9,1618-1629.

10. #Gu, K.L., #Zhang, Q., #Yan, Y., #Li, T.T., Duan, F.F., Hao, J., Wang, X.W., Shi, M., Wu, D.R., Guo, W.T., *Wang, Y. (2016) Pluripotency Associated miR-290/302 Family of microRNAs Promote the Dismantling of Naive Pluripotency. Cell Research 26, 350-366.